A new LOCOMINAR will be held on the 22nd of October at 10:00 AM CET. This webinar is part of a series of public LOCOMINARS. This online event will present 5 science-based policy recommendations for the EUs green transition based on the LOCOMOTION policy briefing.

One of the fundamental aims of LOCOMOTION is to improve climate policymaking. The set of LOCOMOTION models will model the interlinkages of different policy measures increasing the transparency, realism and acceptance of different policy scenarios. In the end, LOCOMOTION will help policymakers and civil society to identify the most effective pathways towards a sustainable and climate-neutral society.

You can register HERE to participate in the event.


10.00 – 10.10 Welcome and introduction (incl. poll) (Katy Wiese, European Environmental Bureau)

10.10 – 11.00 – Presentation of LOCOMOTION Policy Recommendations

  • i. Tip 1: No space for error (Dirk-Jan Van de Ven, BC3 Research)
  • ii. Tip 2: More renewables, less energy (Luis Javier Miguel González, University of Valladolid)
  • iii. Tip 3: Navigating the future of electric vehicles (Ignacio de Blas, University of Valladolid)
  • iv. Tip 4: Avoiding the inequalities of green growth (Tiziano Distefano , University of Pisa )
  • v. Tip 5: Remove carbon removals (Margarita Mediavilla, University of Valladolid)

11.00 – 11.30 Q&A’s and debate using SLIDO – Moderator and researchers