Austrian Energy Agency (AEA)

The Austrian Energy Agency, was founded in 1977 as a non-profit scientific association. Main purpose and goal of the Austrian Energy Agency is to develop, support and implement measures that aim at a sustainable energy supply and use. Among the areas of work are innovative energy technologies (ET), energy-efficient systems (EE), and renewable energy sources (RES). In addition, the Agency participates and co-operates within projects and networks on national, EU and international levels to promote ET, EE and RES in cooperation with other institutions. Renewable energy and energy efficiency are thematic priorities of the Austrian Energy Agency. The AEA has long experience in the energy efficiency and renewable energy policy fields. This is documented by many projects and activities on regional, national and international level. Inter alia the Austrian Energy Agency is the organisation nominated for the Concerted Action for the Energy Services Directive (ESD) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) in Austria and member of the EnR network. The AEA is also the overall coordinator of the Concerted Action on the Implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (CA-RES). Since 2007, the Austrian Energy Agency is the national monitoring body for the implementation of the ESD in Austria, has prepared the first and second energy efficiency plan for Austria and has been the monitoring body for the implementation of the EED since 2015. The Austrian Energy Agency (AEA) is the national centre of excellence for energy. Economic, environmental and policy aspects of renewable, fossil-based and nuclear energy technologies, energy system analysis and modelling are among the core competencies of the Agency. It has developed national scenarios and strategies in the context of Austria’s climate and energy targets and has coordinated numerous international projects, mainly in the fields of biomass and bioenergy, renewable energy in general, energy efficiency and policy development. With years of experience in the development and application of energy system models, AEA is leading WP3 reviewing the state-of-the-art IAMs. Economic and technological aspects of energy systems, infrastructures and energy efficiency in the context of a transformation towards a sustainable energy system are among the main research fields of the AEA, as the record of projects illustrates. Therefore, AEA is contributing to WP4 (economic modelling), WP7 (modelling of energy technologies), and WP8 (impact assessment of policies). With regard to policy, AEA can rely on vast experience gained within the Concerted Action on the Renewable Energy Sources Directive (CA-RES), which has been coordinated by AEA experts involved in the present project, as well as the Concerted Action for the Energy Services Directive (ESD) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED).