University of Valladolid (UVa) – Coordinator

The University of Valladolid (UVa) is one of the most important centres of higher education in Spain. It comprises four campuses, Valladolid, Palencia, Segovia and Soria, and offers over 100 degrees, 80 doctoral programmes (14 of which received a Mention of Honour) and 68 postgraduate degrees, accredited international relations and prestigious research centres. On average, nearly 25,000 students enrol each year who are taught and supervised by an academic staff of more than 2,500 professors and lectors.
The UVa promotes the transfer of research results and manages around 850 research projects financed through competitive public R+D+I calls (European, national or regional), and approximately 500 contracts with the private sector, amounting to an average value of over fifteen million Euros per annum. Moreover, its researchers take part in almost 250 further projects and contracts managed by other institutions.
The Group of Energy, Economy and Dynamic Systems (GEEDS) at the University of Valladolid consists of an interdisciplinary team of professors and researchers at the University of Valladolid experienced in the study of environmental issues.
Research carried out by the group focuses on dynamic systems as the most appropriate approach to analyzing the complex relationships between sustainability, wellbeing and development. GEEDS also actively engages in ecological advocacy and development cooperation, strengthening the link between the university and society.
GEEDS will lead LOCOMOTION in terms of management and technical coordination (WP1 and WP9). As the leading group in charge of modelling, it will have a role in most work packages (WPs), carrying out tasks related to preparation of modelling (WP2-3), modelling and assessment aspects (WP4-8), but also in the dissemination, communication and exploitation of project results (WP10-11).