Main project reports

Main project reports

Here you find the main LOCOMOTION project reports. All other project deliverables can be accessed on CORDIS.

D6.2 Water use module
1 49 downloads
D4.4 Financial sub-module
1 66 downloads
D3.2 Prioritising features and functionalities to be implemented in the LOCOMOTION’s models
1 42 downloads
D9.1 Report of the common modeling framework
1 112 downloads
D8.1 Review of Policy options to drive societies towards sustainability
1 84 downloads
D7.1 General model of demand and supply of relevant materials and energy for energy and transportation technologies
1 71 downloads
D6.1 Land use module
1 77 downloads
D5.1 Review of Social and Demographic Indicators and Impacts of Energy Transitions
1 50 downloads
D4.6. International trade sub-module
1 44 downloads
D4.5 Labour market sub-module
1 53 downloads
D4.3 Government sub-module
1 53 downloads
D3.1 Review of information on IAMs
1 85 downloads

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